
Ionica & Jeanine
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Quizzen op Facebook

In Trivia, door Jeanine

Laat ik dit even vooropstellen: ik houd niet zo van Facebookquizzen. En ik hoef ook niet per se te zien op wat voor wortel of stripfiguur of Friends-personage mijn vrienden het meest lijken, al is het maar omdat ik me dan onwillekeurig ga afvragen welke onverwachte kanten van mijn vrienden ik nog nooit gezien heb. Maar ik zat thuis een beetje ziek te zijn, en ik zag opeens allerlei wiskundige Facebookquizzen langskomen (want ik ken natuurlijk een boel wiskundigen op Facebook), en dat is uiteraard een heel ander verhaal! Dus voor de mensen die wel van Facebookquizzen houden bij wijze van studie- of werkontwijkend gedrag: hier zijn er een paar die met wiskunde te maken hebben, inclusief mijn resultaten.

De eerste die ik deed:

Jeanine completed the quiz "What Kind of Mathematician Are You?" with the result Logician.

You are a logician. Although you will probably disagree with me on that to say you have a more specific discipline. You tend to be very pedantic and serious. You are probably overly concerned with your grammar and spelling - not to mention that of others. This is not a bad character trait! You are the ones your friends go to when they need help finding the flaw in their proof. In fact... Does my quiz rely on the Axiom of Choice?

En de tweede:

Jeanine took the Which mathematical function are you? quiz and the result is Gaussian: e^(-x^2)

You are centered. You are just where you want to be. Some mistake your quiet nature for mediocrity, but you are anything but ordinary. You don't show of, you don't brag, but you have a rich inner life. Few realize how important you are. But that does not bother you. Life is good.

En de derde:

Jeanine took the What branch of mathematics are you? quiz and the result is Number Theory

Most people will never meet you until they get to college. When they first get to know you, you seem pretty simple-minded. "An even number plus and odd number is an odd number," you tell them, and all they say is, "So?" But then you ask them something hard, like, "Are there any integers a, b, and c that satisfy the equation x to the n plus y to the n equals z to the n when n is greater than 2?" And it takes them well over 300 years to figure out the answer. Who's laughing now, idiots?!

En het houdt niet op:

Jeanine took the Which Mathematical Symbol Are You? quiz and the result is Absolute Value

An absolute value sign! You are care free and imaginative. Everything complex can be simplified to you, and nothing matters a whole lot. You take life in stride and never worry too much.

En jawel:

Jeanine took the Which mathematician are you? quiz and the result is Carl Friedrich Gauss

Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician and scientist who contributed significantly to many fields, including number theory, statistics, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, electrostatics, astronomy and optics. Sometimes known as the Princeps mathematicorum and "greatest mathematician since antiquity", Gauss had a remarkable influence in many fields of mathematics and science and is ranked as one of history's most influential mathematicians. He referred to mathematics as "the queen of sciences."

En er zijn er nog veel meer (er zijn natuurlijk ook quizzen om de testen of je goed bent in wiskunde, bijvoorbeeld), maar toen vond ik het wel weer mooi geweest: zelfs op Facebook gingen mensen vragen of ik niet aan mijn proefschrift hoorde te werken.